


M247 is a leading connectivity-led cloud services partner, who transform businesses with technology.

我们最近采访了他们的首席人事办公室, 丰富的休斯, 了解更多他们的业务和人才战略.


M247成立于2000年, and we are a leading UK business-to-business services provider who offer both connectivity and advanced services solutions to our customers. 

Our portfolio aims to bring together service innovation and robust technology partnerships, and our goal is to enhance business transformation journeys and enterprise public sector organisations in the new digital economy. 

我们的解决方案以客户和市场需求为导向. 需要的一般是自动化和优化技术, 运营成本, 数据管理和网络.


我是M247的首席人事官, and that means I'm the board representative for the people of our business. 

I'm responsible for the people strategy for the group and also oversee all operational aspects of that too. 这涵盖了广泛的主题,包括雇主品牌, 聘用和留住最优秀的人才, 增长, L&D、绩效管理、员工关系&I, ESG,健康 & 健康和其他许多方面. 

I've been 在这里 for a year now and as I look back at my initial year in post, 我为我们作为一个团队所取得的成就感到无比自豪.

What are the main challenges you face from a people/skills perspective?

T在这里 are many theories around being a fully office based business in a world of remote work, 尤其是在科技领域. One of our biggest challenges over the last year has been returning our workforce to the office. We felt it was essential to better support our people and offer improved wellbeing, 协作与绩效. 

我们在一年前做出了让员工回归的决定, we've actually found ourselves with an unrivalled sense of community in our office. 自然, we remain very flexible and people are allowed to choose one day a week w在这里 they can work from home. But that sense of community and support, I feel is really unmatched now. 

人员流失是我们面临的另一个巨大挑战. A year ago, we were in a very uncertain time as an organisation, as was the wider market. 从那以后,我们成功地大幅降低了流失率, 月平均流失率为0.现在是89%(从7%下降).去年19%!).

我们的员工敬业度也是如此. Our Employee Net Promoter Score has been driven over the last 18 months from -7 to +17. So that shows the journey that our people have gone on and the positive place we now find ourselves in.

M247采取了哪些措施来吸引和留住顶尖人才, 您能给我们介绍一下贵公司的文化吗?

在人才吸引方面, most of our recruitment is done by organic advertising and direct sourcing in a relatively passive market. 我们与全球最大的博彩平台数字这样的组织有很好的合作关系, 我们还与一家名为social recruiting的公司合作. 适合早期人才, we operate out of careers fairs to actually meet candidates directly at the very start of the process. 

在引进大部分新员工方面, they come via referral and word of mouth which is quite unique for our sector. We have a great referral scheme, and this is w在这里 the majority of our external hires come from. 

内部发展对我们来说也很重要. We've had 77 promotions in the last year, which is a number that we're really proud of. We recruit the majority of those external roles at the earliest stages, 我们大部分的发展和继承都是在内部进行的. This means it's a really nice environment to come into and not just spend 12/18 months as some younger techies do, but actually build a career 在这里 and plan what the next five years looks like for you, 这是我们非常自豪能够支持的事情吗.

就文化而言, I’ve mentioned a few things already but on top of that we have a great social calendar, 我们的员工真的很投入,我们真的倾听他们的意见. We've created a workforce and a work environment that we believe supports their aspirations and needs. 

我们也在经济上支持我们的员工. 例如, we’ve made two cost of living payments in the last 12 months to support with the burden of additional costs in this climate. And we do anything that we can to support our individuals personally, as well as professionally.


确实如此. We run a few different campaigns to encourage early talent from all walks of life to join our business, 这些通常通过不同的途径进入. 

We welcome apprentices into a number of our technical and back office departments. 这主要包括销售和运营角色. The individuals that come in via this route often stay with us in a professionally qualified capacity and then can develop through the ranks. 

我们也支持从多个渠道招聘毕业生. These graduates generally come into areas like finance, HR and commercial. Again, they tend to forge out a three to five year career plan with us. 

我们有很多成功的故事,这是非常积极的. 对于那些通过这些路线十大正规博彩网站评级我们的人, we have a really clear development plan and in that early stage of their time with us we really focus on their wellbeing and development. 这是评估过程的一个主要部分, 在过去的12个月里,我们非常成功.

How important is it to M247 to play an active role in Greater Manchester's digital community?

这对我们真的很重要. 虽然我们是国际公司, 我们的总部确实设在全球最大的博彩平台, 那当然是我们生意的发源地. 

We're really proud that we can offer careers at all levels to local people, 这对我们真的很重要. Most of our clients and partners are also local to us so our operation contributes significantly to the local economy.

除了, over two thirds of our senior management and the executive and people teams are all Manchester based. 我们都非常热衷于推出新产品, and collaborating and networking with other tech organisations in Manchester.


Our vision is for M247 to be the digital 增长 and innovation partner of choice, 以我们在连接和统一通信方面的传统为基础, 我们对云计算和基于应用程序的创新的热情推动了这一进程. 

我们帮助客户在数字时代成长和竞争. 我们可不想错过全球最大的博彩平台的路线, and we want to be recognised as an employer of choice by our colleagues and partners.


了解更多全球最大的博彩平台M247 在这里

