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We asked the Intechnica team: what do you like most about your job?

我们喜欢工作的地方是激励我们的一大动力, and it’s what gets us through the challenges we face. 有了这样一个多元化的团队,从运营和软件开发到营销和销售,各个职能部门都在工作, we were curious to find out what our team members like most about their jobs.  


The People  

For many, 在工作场所内外建立有意义的关系是幸福的重要来源. 与一个团结的团队一起工作,会让你感到被欣赏和认可,这是工作满意度的一个重要因素. In fact, 66% of UK employees agree that having friends at work increases job satisfaction. 


“在金融部门工作,你自然会与其他部门合作,这是我非常喜欢的事情. 在一个快节奏的行业中,这些对话可以不断发展,话题也可以更频繁地变化. 其中最具挑战性的部分是跟上步伐并确保数据的准确性.”, says Beccy Kusu-Orkar, a Management Accountant at Intechnica. 

Marketing Executive Laura Ohela 同意在一个合作的团队中工作能让她更喜欢这个角色“I also really like my team which always makes work nicer!”.


As well as factors such as increased collaboration and productivity, getting along with your co-workers is good for your mental health, and has the ability to elevate workplace environments. Consultant Fiona Fairbairn expresses this when being appointed to new teams for consultancy projects.  


“It feels like a cliché to say that I like the people, but we really do have a great bunch at Intechnica. 每次我被分配到一个新项目时,我都很兴奋地看到谁将与我一起在团队中工作,我从来没有失望过.” 

The Variety  

科技行业瞬息万变的本质意味着该行业的角色往往是多种多样的. 许多员工认识到,没有哪两天是完全一样的,这就是为什么他们热爱自己的工作.  


“The variety also keeps things interesting, 在我们的咨询工作中,我们与许多不同类型的企业合作,总有一些新的东西需要学习. It can be a challenge to keep up with some of the jargon, 但幸运的是,我们手头有专家,他们在我们评估的许多领域工作过,所以总有人可以提供支持. 现在,我们只需要更多来自创意产业的企业来找我们进行技术尽职调查,这样我就可以充分利用我的专业知识!”, says Fiona. 

The love of variety is echoed by Harrison O’Neill, a Data Scientist at Intechnica:“In just over one year at Intechnica, 我参与了许多奇怪而精彩的项目,比如使用卷积神经网络进行人脸交换,使用自然语言处理处理发票. These are your more traditional data science projects, but I’ve also worked on more software/data engineering tasks, 比如数据库迁移和编写处理金融交易的软件. It’s mad, but I love it, and my colleagues are great.” 


任务的多样性意味着在这个岗位上有很多学习新东西的机会. Data Scientist, Jack Foster expresses that the huge amounts of variety, 提供充足的学习机会:“我目前在数据科学团队的角色中,我最喜欢的一个方面是我们所做的工作范围很广. 我有机会在短时间内参与许多不同的项目, covering more conventional data science work such as time series analysis, 同时也有机会参与更多的数据工程工作, 比如产品电离的机器学习模型和实现数据管道. 这既让事情变得有趣,又给了我一个很好的学习机会.” 


“Solving problems to create something I can be proud of is the best bit. I’ve always loved the crafting of code, and now I love guiding people to craft code and solving problems around them. 

The most challenging aspect is working with people who know better than me. I have suffered with imposter syndrome; learning to listen to my peers without needing to stamp my own authority on what I hear or allowing it to make me anxious has taken a long time to learn.“, says Fran Hoey, a Technical Consultant and Architect at Intechnica. 但是,不仅仅是技术专家和顾问可以享受角色的多样性. Here’s what Laura had to say about working in the Marketing team: 

“我最喜欢我的工作的地方是我可以参与各种各样的项目. Some days I’ll be doing SEO work, while on others I’m focusing on content, campaigns, reporting, or strategy and planning. 虽然项目的多样性是我工作中最好的部分,但这也是我工作中最难的部分. 有时,当有许多活动部分时,找时间专注于一项任务是很有挑战性的. It’s still worth it though!“ 


Training and Development  

员工现在非常重视学习和发展,这为员工和雇主提供了巨大的机会. An IBM study 展示了经过良好培训的团队可以将生产力提高10%. The hunger 学习越来越普遍,这也是为什么在Intechnica的人喜欢他们的工作的一个共同主题“正是这种多样性让事情变得有趣,同时也给了我一个很好的学习机会.”, says Jack. 


Equally, 给员工提供自我发展的机会可以激励他们留在现在的雇主. In fact, a LinkedIn study found that 94%的员工愿意在提供培训机会的公司呆得更久. Here’s what Fiona had to say about development: “Intechnica is also really supportive when it comes to training, 我们有时间和预算去探索任何感兴趣的领域,获得任何有助于我们工作和事业发展的证书. 唯一的缺点是,当你几年没有参加考试的时候,复习考试可能会有点伤脑筋.“ 


When it comes down to it, there any numerous factors that make employees like their role, 对许多人来说,同事和公司文化等因素会产生巨大的影响. Being a remote-first business, 培养一种合作的文化,接受自发和非正式的互动是很重要的.  

Thank you to all team members who took part in this blog! 


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