
An important layer of TikTok is its comment section (which is sometimes funnier than the content itself), 一些公司一直在充分利用这种微妙的品牌曝光. 在本文中, we’ve lined up some of the most impressive utilisations of the comment section we’ve seen and why they’re such a clever marketing technique.


The TikTok comment section is important to how a company or brand is perceived on social media. Using the comment section can be a helpful reminder to consumers of the humanistic elements of a company and prevent them from appearing detached from the ‘real’ world. Highlighting your ability to engage casually with customers and demonstrate awareness of real-world discussions and trends is crucial to a brand’s image. 另外, using the comment section is a great way to expand your reach to users who don’t follow you or if your content doesn’t often feature on their For You page. Another benefit of using the comment section is that it takes substantially less time than creating video content, 所以你可以留在应用程序,而你的视频是在制作. 我们的DMT创作者可以100%同意这一点, 制作一个DMT TikTok所需的时间记录是6小时. 挑选和评论哪些视频绝对不是一件容易的事. 这就是为什么我们要强调一些完全成功的公司. 


自2021年以来,多邻国猫头鹰在抖音上一直是一个非常臭名昭著的角色, 当它的社交媒体团队第一次得到这只猫头鹰的病毒视频时. 从那时起, the account has become an active content creator and an even more active commentator on the trending videos of TikTok. 猫头鹰已经拥抱了它的, 我们说, ‘chaotic’ side by essentially randomly trolling people’s videos in its lighthearted and invasive manner. 猫头鹰是个威胁吗? 也许. 这是一种非常有效的营销技巧吗? 绝对. 

Many people know about Duolingo; it’s a very successful language learning app and the most downloaded language app in the world as of 2022. 然而, its TikTok engagement has given the company room to relate to its users and prospective customers in a new way. Now Duolingo is your friend; it’s something users can associate with relevant pop culture. Duolingo的行为就像抖音上的其他用户一样. One thing that Duolingo has completely nailed about its TikTok interactions is its self-awareness. 使用视频和评论, the social media team at Duolingo haven’t tried to act as though they’re above social trends; instead, 这个团队小心翼翼地运用幽默来搞笑, Dua Lipa-obsessed, 混乱的创造者. 最终,社交媒体团队的目标是鼓励人们使用这款应用. The TikTok comment section essentially works as a push reminder to use the app in a relatively subtle and funny way. 猫头鹰也没有试图隐藏这一点,作为对@possum的回应.r.c00l who celebrated deleting the app and the Owl no longer being able to ‘come’ for them, 多邻国评论道:“但是你在这里……我们不是已经来找你了吗?”. 猫头鹰对抖音的所有剧情都了如指掌, often waging in on the popular ‘Hype House’ drama and the Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhall fight. It’s become so popular that it gets other  companies and organisations commenting on its account, 甚至国际特赦组织也参与了一段视频,评论释放Duo的承诺. This is a mind-boggling interaction between two companies that I’m sure Duolingo also wasn’t expecting. 

还有很多要学习的账号,比如多邻国,一定要去 查看他们的更多内容. 我们还从社交媒体协调员那里得到了一个关键提示, Zaria Parvez: “understand the culture of TikTok and what’s going on with different trends.” 


Ryanair comes in with very similar energy to Duolingo with its self-deprecating humour and airline beef. 可以肯定地说,大多数人认为瑞安航空的服务成本相当低, 它的客舱和小行李限制对任何乘客来说都是一个挑战. 我们最喜欢的一些全球最大的博彩平台瑞安航空的评论来自这个流传已久的笑话. 回应@amygarvin304, TikTok显示他们在一件大外套下藏了额外的行李, 瑞安航空的评论, 《十大正规博彩网站评级》. Ryanair also jumped on the trend of asking other brands on TikTok to ‘comment on this video for no reason’. 视频收到了11个.800万次观看,1.300万个赞,5万条评论. 评论区推荐了Specsavers等品牌, 克拉克, Wolt, Astralis, 和南约克郡大火. 通过评论和视频, Ryanair has adopted a tone of voice that suggests they also relate to the struggles of their customers. 

该账户与热门视频的互动, 听起来, 和创造者, 表明其账户经理在个人层面上消费TikTok内容. 这些都是使公司人性化的关键, 这也表明了一种理解,即公司并不高于普通人. TikTok用户对这家航空公司已经达到了一定程度的欣赏. 这几乎完全是通过抖音实现的, 美国用户呼吁该航空公司将业务扩展到非洲大陆. Whilst the Duolingo owl has a more ominous presence on TikTok, Ryanair is 在这里 to create problems. 它似乎觉得tiktok全球最大的博彩平台自己服务的内容特别有趣. 这增加了他们的自我意识,最终,诚实的信息. In this way, Ryanair has gained respect for not pretending to be anything other than what it is. 看看他们的最新内容 在这里!


一段时间以来,Netflix一直很擅长与社交媒体互动. 然而, it’s recently expanded on TikTok and this has required a new content strategy. Its use of Twitter has always been very effective in demonstrating an awareness of how viewers perceive Netflix’s original shows and films. Netflix通过使用流行的表情包和回复推特做到了这一点. TikTok似乎也采取了类似的策略. TikTok actually provides an interesting challenge to brands because unless their account has been tagged or dueted, 很难追查是谁, 人们如何以及在哪里引用你的品牌. 这就是为什么抖音需要独特的个性化元素. Netflix的内容非常一致. It usually features clips from its films and series, behind-the-scenes content, and interviews. 然而, its comment section is w在这里 the company is more creative with its engagement. 你会注意到,在Netflix自己的视频中,它经常回复评论, 通常是那些获得大量赞的照片. 


  1. ‘... 我们是Vecna团队! 
  2.  “这是一种辛辣的理解”
  3.  “把Demogorgon的尖叫添加到我的词汇中”
  4. “这让我猝不及防”
  5.  ‘...混沌善的定义
  6. “太喜欢这个节目了,我喜欢我自己的视频”

Netflix针对每个社交媒体平台都有不同的社交媒体策略, 它在大型社交媒体平台上取得成功的关键是什么. Each account uses consistent interaction with a human voice to engage with popular content. 你可以得到更多的灵感 他们的抖音账号.


在DMT, we’re expanding into the world of TikTok and how it can be used as a creative marketing technique. We’re introducing TikTok marketing strategies to our clients and we have recently opened a TikTok studio in our office for filming TikTok Lives. 你可以查看DMT TikTok页面 在这里 随时了解团队最新的滑稽动作. 我们甚至可能会有一些自己的病毒式tiktok😏. 

TikTok是一个非常疯狂的社交媒体平台. Some of its best content comes from the culture of unfiltered commentary and embracing all its users’ strange and random thoughts. The comment section of TikTok is a great place; it's multi-layered, 自我指涉, 也是该平台文化的重要组成部分. 与品牌, you can spot mega commenters whose TikTok fame comes purely from their use of the comment section. We’ve seen continuously that the key to unlocking a successful TikTok marketing strategy is to embrace the human requirements of interaction. You often see brands and influencers fail by using trends and 听起来 incorrectly or after the trend has passed. 优化TikTok, 你还必须是TikTok内容的消费者, 如果处理得当, 这对你的品牌形象和成长非常有益. 

