
这一次, 麝香 decided to temporarily limit the number of tweets users can view within one day, with the particular figure changing based on the status of your account. 

When 麝香 first announced the update, verified users could view up to 6,每天发布5000个帖子, 未经验证的用户每天600个, 和新 & 未经验证的用户每天只有300个. 然而, 从那时起, the limits have increased twice (now 8,000, 1,000, 和500年, 因此), and we’re not entirely sure why; it could be due to an understatement by Twitter developers or severe backlash by Twitter users.

这个更新是 非常 也是突然的. Most Twitter users 太k to complaining on various other platforms and websites on Saturday late morning / early afternoon (UK time) when they were met with the error message “rate limit exceeded” platform-wide.

The error message 太k Twitter by storm, 以# TwitterDown, # RateLimitExceeded, # RIPTwitter, and #Elon topping the UK trending charts throughout the weekend. 令人难以置信的, #Elon was tweeted over 1 million times on Saturday (and it only started trending in the afternoon)!

Why Did the Limit Come Into Place?

According to the Twitter Executive Chairman and CTO himself, the limit was introduced to “address extreme levels of data scraping & 系统操纵”. 

麝香 前一天说的 that “several hundred organizations were scraping Twitter data extremely aggressively, to the point where it was affecting the real user experience” and that he was “open to ideas” on how to address such issues.

所谓“几乎每家公司都在做人工智能” had been scraping data from Twitter to train their AI 太ls, and 麝香 had had enough. He claims that data scraping has been making the platform less stable for e非常day users, so the update is seemingly a way to alleviate the issue.

尽管如此, 即使是为了我们的利益, finding out we can’t physically use the app is much, much worse than seeing a couple of AI-generated Twitter accounts within the replies of tweets.

然而, because of the incredible difference between the limits set for verified and non-verified users, we can assume that money had a big part to play in this update. 麝香 has always had his sights set on increasing Twitter’s revenue, as he claims the platform was in a downward spiral pre-takeover and could face bankruptcy if its finances didn’t approve. 

Plenty of users probably panicked at the thought of not being able to use the app as much as they had previously been able to, so they folded and subscribed to “Twitter Blue”. 干得好,伊隆. 


多亏了更新, similar platforms Mastodon and 蓝天 experienced huge spikes in traffic to their sites over the weekend. 蓝天, which is backed by co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, recorded its highest number of users on the platform in one moment ever.

这个更新是lso introduced at a great time for Meta, as its rival platform ‘Threads’ is being launched this Thursday (the 6th), and we’re confident many more people than previously thought are now going to be joining the brand-new platform upon release.

有一件事值得注意, 太, is that because of the financial issues 麝香 claims Twitter was facing, is it really a good idea to limit the presence advertisers have on the platform? Where is the logic behind capping users on the number of tweets they can view, as this is surely detrimental to the performance of adverts and, 因此, the fees advertisers will have to pay to Twitter?

People have been able to poke fun at the update, though. 滑稽, Jack Dorsey tweeted an image of some grass on Saturday, implying that Twitter users should put their phones down, 去外面, 触摸一些草.

Since Saturday, we haven’t come across the “rate limit exceeded” error message again. Perhaps due to not reaching the now 1,000 tweet limit or because 麝香 was telling the truth when he said it was a “temporary” change. Fingers crossed, he’s realised it was a major mistake and subsequently backpedalled.

