
TikTok算法是如何工作的? (+学习如何病毒式传播)

Video recommendations are displayed on a personalised page called “For You”.

根据TikTok的说法: “The system recommends content by ranking videos based on a combination of factors — starting from interests you express as a new user and adjusting for things you indicate you’re 不 感兴趣, 太.”



TikTok收到的观看和互动越多, 它就越有可能出现在更多的观众面前. 用户粘性指的是:

  • 喜欢
  • 股票
  • 评论
  • 你关注的账户


The TikTok algorithm is able to categorise similar content and recognise accounts which fall under a similar niche. 这是通过以下细节实现的:

  • 标题(e.g. 关键词包括)
  • 听起来
  • 标签
  • 影响

设备 & 账户设置: 

 The algorithm also considers a user's device settings when deciding where to display the video. 这是指以下因素: 

  • 你的语言偏好
  • 国家设置
  • 设备类型


以及为你提供你喜欢的视频, the TikTok algorithm can also identify those which you are  感兴趣. 用于确定这一点的操作是:

  • 你跳过的视频
  • 您已标记为“不感兴趣”的视频
  • 您隐藏的用户

What Factors Do Not Contribute to the TikTok Algorithm?

There are also a few factors that do 不 impact the TikTok algorithm. These include the number of followers that an account has, 以及之前视频的表现.

This means that the TikTok algorithm is actually quite fair to all accounts. 例如, if you have no followers and haven’t posted a TikTok before, there is still a chance that your video can go viral!

How to Use the TikTok Algorithm and Go Viral in 2022:

虽然它总是在变化和发展, there’s no denying that the TikTok algorithm can actually help you improve your content visibility. 记住,算法不是针对你的, but instead wants to display your videos in the right places and for the right people. 

Here are 8 Ways to Beat the Algorithm, Get Views and Go Viral on TikTok:

  1. 专注于一个细分市场
  2. 使用趋势TikTok音频
  3. 使用相关的标签
  4. 与类似账户打交道
  5. 使短 & 时髦的视频
  6. 利用抖音效果 & 其他功能
  7. 紧跟潮流
  8. 发布娱乐或有趣的内容


Once you've decided on your niche, it’s important that you are consistent with your content. This includes adding keywords to your captions and video content, 以及选择相关的趋势和音频. 

It’s also crucial that your content resonates with your target audience. Think about the type of entertaining or informative videos that they might like to see. 你发布的小众内容越多, the more the TikTok algorithm will help you show up on the right feeds.

TikTok Algorithm Hack #2: Use Trending TikTok 听起来

When it comes to viral TikToks, trending audio may possibly be the secret to success. 根据 Shopify, 73% of users would “stop and look” at TikTok videos that have audio. They also discovered that compared to other components like visuals, 颜色, 和商标, TikTok users are eight times more likely to remember a brand or TikToker for the catchy audio used throughout the videos.


When you use a hashtag associated with a niche topic or current TikTok trend, you may draw in viewers who are already 感兴趣 that type of content. 通过在视频的标题中十大正规博彩网站评级标签, you can reach TikTokers who aren't already following your account. Analyse competitors and other viral TikToks to identify the most appropriate hashtags. 为了接触到合适的受众, @amandawarnock0 shares a mum hack and uses the hashtags #mumsoftiktok and #parentinghack.

TikTok Algorithm Hack #4: 与类似账户打交道

As with many aspects of business, connections are always the key to successful growth! Brands on TikTok can provide a more personalised and engaging customer experience by developing relationships with both previous buyers and potential customers. 如果你有个人账户的话, you can also grow by interacting with similar TikTokers in your niche.

TikTok算法技巧#5:简短 & 时髦的视频

尽管TikTok现在增加了最大长度, 用户仍然更喜欢短小精悍的视频. 根据 网红营销中心, videos between 15 and 20 seconds increase the chances of TikTok users completing them. This then results in the algorithm prioritising your video.

TikTok算法技巧#6:利用TikTok过滤器 & 其他功能

Stay one step ahead of the algorithm by keeping up with new filters and features on TikTok. This video by @nourrtann is the perfect example of how you can get creative with TikTok 太ls. 记住——用户喜欢娱乐!


A TikTok trend refers to a particular sound, dance, video format, or hashtag that goes viral. More and more users will then join the trend by making similar videos. 根据 Shopify, the best way to find trends on TikTok is to spend time on the app and cultivate your own personalised FYP.

TikTok Algorithm Hack #8: Post Entertaining, Informative & 教育内容

Before creating a TikTok, you should always consider the four main purposes of social media content. 娱乐,启发,教育和改变. Failure to create content that meets these requirements may prevent you from reaching or impressing your ideal audience. The TikTok bio on Instagram, “what has TikTok taught you?”, demonstrates that the platform's ambition goes beyond attractive videos and lots of followers.

