

表现不佳的Facebook广告确实令人沮丧, especially when you’re funnelling as much money as you can from your profits into them to try and see your smaller business grow. 我们是平面设计的专家,工作的目标, so we wanted to share our tips on how to optimise your Facebook ad creatives to see more engagement with your call-to-action. 在本文中,我们将讨论:

  • 如何确定你的广告创意是否适合你
  • 常见的错误
  • Facebook广告的最佳实践
  • 为您的机构广告的最佳做法


Creating a successful Facebook ad campaign will at first take some testing and it can take some prior knowledge of your ads to see when a new ad campaign isn’t returning the best results. Building up your knowledge of your average results from a campaign will be the best way to easily identify when your ad creative isn’t pulling the results you need, but if you’re just starting off then Facebook dynamic ads are going to be a simple solution for identifying ads that don’t click with your audience.

Creating dynamic ads using different ad creatives is a straightforward way to see which of your photo ads is getting the best results. If you’re conducting some research for future ads and want to know which photo ad resonates most with your audience, try running your whole set of ads with the same copy and headlines so you can take away as many variables that could sway the results.


One easy mistake to make is to focus your ad on the pain point of your customer. 这似乎合乎逻辑,对吧? Showing your target audience struggling with the exact problem your business can fix might seem like the best approach for making the most relatable ad, 但是在这样做的时候最好要小心.

而不是专注于消极的痛点在你的平面设计, focus your imagery on the positive outcome of someone actually using your product or service. 在解决共同问题的同时,要保持积极的态度, 确保向你的观众展示有人从你的提议中受益. 根据 官方Facebook照片广告建议, this will also help create “ads that feel like a familiar part of someone’s social fabric.” It’s clear that doing this will improve results as people are more likely to engage with your ad in a natural way.


It goes without saying that if you use low resolution images for your Facebook ads, 你不会看到很好的结果. 这是一个常见的广告错误,而且很容易纠正. 而最快最简单的解决办法就是 聘请一位平面设计师, 如果你是一名非设计师, 有一些方法可以确保广告上的图像质量最好.

  • 来源从值得信赖的库存摄影网站

Always make sure that you are sourcing your ad imagery from trustworthy stock photography sites that give you the original image large enough to be resized. 你不能带走 .PNG文件不会比原始文件大, so making sure you start off with an image bigger than your ad dimensions will mean you can resize it without pixelation. 

  • 创建合适尺寸的图形设计

值得注意的是,不同的广告位置有不同的维度. 使用这个Facebook工具 快速找到合适的尺寸为您的广告放置.


It should be easy to identify a brand from an ad and if it isn’t – your ad isn’t working as hard as it could be for you. The mistake lots of people make is to veer away from their original 品牌 in their ad and instead use a more random array of colours and fonts. Your ads should look like every other communication your business has with your audience. That means that you need to incorporate your brand colours and your usual font sets. 包括你的标志对小型企业是有好处的, but won’t always be necessary for more established brands if the rest of your 品牌 is in the ad.

除了你的广告和你的 品牌,你的竞选广告也应该相互关联. 这意味着你应该保持同样的意象, 颜色和布局作为你所有广告的主题. This will help make you more identifiable as a brand and looks way more polished and professional. If you’re struggling to come up with a creative way to keep a theme in your ads but still maintain visual interest, 先尝试一下布局. That way you can keep all the same elements and just switch up the way in which they are presented.


Any copy you are using in when designing your Facebook ad should be kept to a minimum. A common mistake made is to use the space in an ad to jam-pack as much information as Facebook will allow you to, 但实际上,将副本控制在最低限度会更有效. Doing this will help you to keep your point clear and it’s going to stick in your audience’s mind much better than a long-winded explanation!


在Design Cloud, 我们帮助许多机构改进他们的设计工作流程 and as part of that, we have designed many advertisement campaigns for agencies in particular. 当然, every agency is different but we wanted to share some ideas for ad creatives you could use to advertise your agency on Facebook today…


Including key quotes from testimonials is a great method to test for photo ads, 尤其是在重新定位你的受众时. Doing that is going to help people who have already touched base with your business once begin to start trusting your agency too.


Here’s another way to build trust up of your agency… simply showcase your work! You could do this by mocking-up designs relevant to your industry onto computers, 产品包装, 宣传册设计和更多.


如果你需要一个专业的平面设计师的帮助,而不仅仅是你的 社交媒体设计, book a demo today and see how our unlimited graphic design services could help you. 我们是一家位于全球最大的博彩平台的平面设计公司 而是帮助世界各地的企业. Design Cloud subscription plans can help take the pressure off your internal marketing team, 提供支持,帮助你在代理机构中获得更高的利润, help you with your freelancing jobs or give you graphic design support with any other project. 今天就联系,升级你的平面设计!



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